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Circle Zero's Otherworldly Hero Business

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The protagonist, an egocentric man whos led a successful life as the CEO of a company in modern society is murdered and reborn as a beautiful lady named Paril Hall Mcgryued from a noble family in a fantasy world. Once he wakes up, (now in the body of Paril,) he finds out that hes now in the body of an inferior being and that all his wealth, achievements and successful life have vanished. Therefore, he decides to rebuild everything from scratch and make it to the top of the pyramid in this parallel world. Korean Novel (Comic GT) Korean Novel (Comico) Korean Raw (censored) Japanese Raw (free 1-5, paywalled 6+)
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The protagonist, an egocentric man whos led a successful life as the CEO of a company in modern society is murdered and reborn as a beautiful lady named Paril Hall Mcgryued from a noble family in a fantasy world. Once he wakes up, (now in the body of Paril,) he finds out that hes now in the body of an inferior being and that all his wealth, achievements and successful life have vanished. Therefore, he decides to rebuild everything from scratch and make it to the top of the pyramid in this parallel world. Korean Novel (Comic GT) Korean Novel (Comico) Korean Raw (censored) Japanese Raw (free 1-5, paywalled 6+)
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Circle Zero's Otherworldly Hero Business


Circle Zero's Otherworldly Hero Business

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Im Dal-Young
Drama;  Fantasy;  Slice of Life;  Isekai;  
The protagonist, an egocentric man whos led a successful life as the CEO of a company in modern society is murdered and reborn as a beautiful lady named Paril Hall Mcgryued from a noble family in a fantasy world. Once he wakes up, (now in the body of Paril,) he finds out that hes now in the body of an inferior being and that all his wealth, achievements and successful life have vanished. Therefore, he decides to rebuild everything from scratch and make it to the top of the pyramid in this parallel world. Korean Novel (Comic GT) Korean Novel (Comico) Korean Raw (censored) Japanese Raw (free 1-5, paywalled 6+)
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Chapters 27
The protagonist, an egocentric man whos led a successful life as the CEO of a company in modern society is murdered and reborn as a beautiful lady named Paril Hall Mcgryued from a noble family in a fantasy world. Once he wakes up, (now in the body of Paril,) he finds out that hes now in the body of an inferior being and that all his wealth, achievements and successful life have vanished. Therefore, he decides to rebuild everything from scratch and make it to the top of the pyramid in this parallel world. Korean Novel (Comic GT) Korean Novel (Comico) Korean Raw (censored) Japanese Raw (free 1-5, paywalled 6+)
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