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Nidome No Yuusha

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(en-US) Ukei Kaito, the protagonist who desperately saved the world after being summoned in another world as a hero to defeat the Demon Lord. Though he did defeat the demon lord and saved the world, but he was betrayed by the people he trusted as friends and is stabbed to death by a sword. At that time, he swore. If there is a next time, he would no longer cling to the word called 'trust'. If there is a next time, he would pay them back as cruelly as possible. If there is a next time, he wouldn't make another mistake. 「I… All of you… I will absolutely kill you all……」 After leaving his last words, he died. And then a voice resounded. ………【 System Message: Tutorial Mode has ended. 】 Warning: Contains gore and extreme violence. Reader discretion is advised. Links: Original Web Novel (Raw) (en-AU) Welcome to the Edge of the Edge. I present to you: Mister and Missus Edge! The perfect edgy couple; with such a large degree of edge their love is practically single dimensional!
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1 Votes
(en-US) Ukei Kaito, the protagonist who desperately saved the world after being summoned in another world as a hero to defeat the Demon Lord. Though he did defeat the demon lord and saved the world, but he was betrayed by the people he trusted as friends and is stabbed to death by a sword. At that time, he swore. If there is a next time, he would no longer cling to the word called 'trust'. If there is a next time, he would pay them back as cruelly as possible. If there is a next time, he wouldn't make another mistake. 「I… All of you… I will absolutely kill you all……」 After leaving his last words, he died. And then a voice resounded. ………【 System Message: Tutorial Mode has ended. 】 Warning: Contains gore and extreme violence. Reader discretion is advised. Links: Original Web Novel (Raw) (en-AU) Welcome to the Edge of the Edge. I present to you: Mister and Missus Edge! The perfect edgy couple; with such a large degree of edge their love is practically single dimensional!
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Nidome No Yuusha


Nidome No Yuusha

(1 Votes)
Kidzuka Nero
Action;  Adventure;  Drama;  Fantasy;  Romance;  Isekai;  
(en-US) Ukei Kaito, the protagonist who desperately saved the world after being summoned in another world as a hero to defeat the Demon Lord. Though he did defeat the demon lord and saved the world, but he was betrayed by the people he trusted as friends and is stabbed to death by a sword. At that time, he swore. If there is a next time, he would no longer cling to the word called 'trust'. If there is a next time, he would pay them back as cruelly as possible. If there is a next time, he wouldn't make another mistake. 「I… All of you… I will absolutely kill you all……」 After leaving his last words, he died. And then a voice resounded. ………【 System Message: Tutorial Mode has ended. 】 Warning: Contains gore and extreme violence. Reader discretion is advised. Links: Original Web Novel (Raw) (en-AU) Welcome to the Edge of the Edge. I present to you: Mister and Missus Edge! The perfect edgy couple; with such a large degree of edge their love is practically single dimensional!
Comments 1
Chapters 9
(en-US) Ukei Kaito, the protagonist who desperately saved the world after being summoned in another world as a hero to defeat the Demon Lord. Though he did defeat the demon lord and saved the world, but he was betrayed by the people he trusted as friends and is stabbed to death by a sword. At that time, he swore. If there is a next time, he would no longer cling to the word called 'trust'. If there is a next time, he would pay them back as cruelly as possible. If there is a next time, he wouldn't make another mistake. 「I… All of you… I will absolutely kill you all……」 After leaving his last words, he died. And then a voice resounded. ………【 System Message: Tutorial Mode has ended. 】 Warning: Contains gore and extreme violence. Reader discretion is advised. Links: Original Web Novel (Raw) (en-AU) Welcome to the Edge of the Edge. I present to you: Mister and Missus Edge! The perfect edgy couple; with such a large degree of edge their love is practically single dimensional!
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Sep 22, 2024
The series Nidome No Yuusha contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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