A salaryman Matsumaru Fumihiko 26, asked his colleague miss Tanaka to watch a movie with him, but she doesnt show up at the movie theater. As he is about to throw away the ticket, a rookie seiyuu girl named Onda Aka aged 20 asked for the ticket and they end up watching the movie together. On their way home they notice that they live near each other. That night, Akas apartment burns down. Matsumaru offers his help and they end up with Aka living with him. They have to keep it a secret to secure their jobs. What will happen to the relationship that is more than friends but less than lovers...
A salaryman Matsumaru Fumihiko 26, asked his colleague miss Tanaka to watch a movie with him, but she doesnt show up at the movie theater. As he is about to throw away the ticket, a rookie seiyuu girl named Onda Aka aged 20 asked for the ticket and they end up watching the movie together. On their way home they notice that they live near each other. That night, Akas apartment burns down. Matsumaru offers his help and they end up with Aka living with him. They have to keep it a secret to secure their jobs. What will happen to the relationship that is more than friends but less than lovers...
A salaryman Matsumaru Fumihiko 26, asked his colleague miss Tanaka to watch a movie with him, but she doesnt show up at the movie theater. As he is about to throw away the ticket, a rookie seiyuu girl named Onda Aka aged 20 asked for the ticket and they end up watching the movie together. On their way home they notice that they live near each other. That night, Akas apartment burns down. Matsumaru offers his help and they end up with Aka living with him. They have to keep it a secret to secure their jobs. What will happen to the relationship that is more than friends but less than lovers...
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Chapters 1
A salaryman Matsumaru Fumihiko 26, asked his colleague miss Tanaka to watch a movie with him, but she doesnt show up at the movie theater. As he is about to throw away the ticket, a rookie seiyuu girl named Onda Aka aged 20 asked for the ticket and they end up watching the movie together. On their way home they notice that they live near each other. That night, Akas apartment burns down. Matsumaru offers his help and they end up with Aka living with him. They have to keep it a secret to secure their jobs. What will happen to the relationship that is more than friends but less than lovers...
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The series REC contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18.
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