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Shingan No Yuusha

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Makoto is a recluse (hikikomori) who gets summoned to another world. After being discarded by the original goddess, another goddess grants him the Truth Eye aka Gods Eye. Makoto is now able to see various things, including the past and future. He then finds a town overrun by zombies, picks up a log, kills the entire town of zombies and rescues three naked girls trapped in a well. After looting the town of valuable he goes to register at an adventurers guild and is powerful enough to kill a veteran adventurer in one hit. He then uses his OP powers to build a harem in a fantasy world. Adaptation of the Light Novel by the same name.
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1 Votes
Makoto is a recluse (hikikomori) who gets summoned to another world. After being discarded by the original goddess, another goddess grants him the Truth Eye aka Gods Eye. Makoto is now able to see various things, including the past and future. He then finds a town overrun by zombies, picks up a log, kills the entire town of zombies and rescues three naked girls trapped in a well. After looting the town of valuable he goes to register at an adventurers guild and is powerful enough to kill a veteran adventurer in one hit. He then uses his OP powers to build a harem in a fantasy world. Adaptation of the Light Novel by the same name.
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Shingan No Yuusha


Shingan No Yuusha

(1 Votes)
Action;  Adventure;  Comedy;  Drama;  Fantasy;  Isekai;  
Makoto is a recluse (hikikomori) who gets summoned to another world. After being discarded by the original goddess, another goddess grants him the Truth Eye aka Gods Eye. Makoto is now able to see various things, including the past and future. He then finds a town overrun by zombies, picks up a log, kills the entire town of zombies and rescues three naked girls trapped in a well. After looting the town of valuable he goes to register at an adventurers guild and is powerful enough to kill a veteran adventurer in one hit. He then uses his OP powers to build a harem in a fantasy world. Adaptation of the Light Novel by the same name.
Comments 1
Chapters 19
Makoto is a recluse (hikikomori) who gets summoned to another world. After being discarded by the original goddess, another goddess grants him the Truth Eye aka Gods Eye. Makoto is now able to see various things, including the past and future. He then finds a town overrun by zombies, picks up a log, kills the entire town of zombies and rescues three naked girls trapped in a well. After looting the town of valuable he goes to register at an adventurers guild and is powerful enough to kill a veteran adventurer in one hit. He then uses his OP powers to build a harem in a fantasy world. Adaptation of the Light Novel by the same name.
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Sep 22, 2024
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