One day, the world transformed into a game.
Dungeons and monsters emerged in the middle of cities, and players who had received the gods authority appeared.
Se-jun Lee, the guildmaster of the Messiah Guild that would bring salvation to the world.
Let us save the world together. Lets put an end to this nightmare.
The whole world celebrated the heros appearance,
And I became his comrade.
He wasnt a hero nor a messiah like the world was hailing him.
He was a deceitful hero with the secret ambition to rule the world.
You did well. If it werent for you, I couldnt have come up till here.
I lost my life at his blade in the last dungeon.
...or so i thought.
The announcement I heard next to my ear the moment I died.
[Starting the game.]
I returned to the past, back when I still hadnt awakened as a player.
And this time, Its my turn......
To hunt him.
Nous sommes dans un monde semblable à un jeu, où donjons, monstres et joueurs apparaissent. Dans un monde dans lequel je suis le seul à connaître la vérité, le secret de celui qu'on appelle le Messie, celui qui souhaite gouverner ce monde comme son seul et unique empereur.
Moi seul qui ai vécu sa trahison, moi seul qui ai été assassiné de ses propres mains avant d'être renvoyé dans le passé connaît cette vérité...
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